Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Hummingbird

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
—The Buddha

It is difficult for me to concentrate on the present moment at times. Then there are times that I snap right into the present moment, sometimes because of an emergency, pain, joy, or an amazing sight. Animals remind me of the present moment as well.I keep seeing the hummingbird. A beautiful bird that I did not see a lot during my life on the East Coast, but that I was familiar with. In my phase of going to lots of botanicas, I became familiar with the hummingbird, which was associated with the oil called Chuparrosa. The hummingbird is assoiated with sex, love and marriage, so you know it is popular to those who know it!
Yesterday I saw a hummingbird on the street outside of a house. Today, I saw a hummingbird float right upto my window! I was amazed, excited, and immediately in the present moment.

Today thank the hummingbird for its reminder of the NOW. I thank that little hummingbird who floated right up to this window and blessed me with her presence and wisdom. I thank the world forhaving space to hold for such beautiful creatures.

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